Tuesday 22 April 2008

Day 13 Part 6 - Venus Fort

Our last stop of the day is Venus Fort, which is a completely over the top shopping centre designed to look like a medieval European town. From the outside it looks innocuous:

But inside is the shopping centre is decorated so that it seems like walking along a European town in the twilight:

Green Avenue:

The beautiful Fountain Plaza:

Olive Plaza:

Yes, there is a branch of Kiddy Land here:

Church Plaza - replicating the exterior of a typical medieval church:

A shot called "Sweet Romantic Garden":

This roundabout and mural is part of the Toyota "Ride One" course:

Pet Paradise:

A mock "casino":

A jewellery shop called "Rin":

Treasure Hunt display case:

A costume jewellery shop:

A Pooh stuffed toys machine:

Cafe Plaza:

And a casual clothes shop called "Labrador Retriever":

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